Wednesday, August 29, 2012

How to get traffic



# Be Active on Pinterest

As any social network, Pinterest is a huge thief of time. You need to spend time on it daily in order to be able to follow what others are pinning, to comment on it, etc. You can't expect benefits from Pinterest, if you are not active on it on a daily basis.

#Use High Quality Images

 Pinterest is about visual appeal. This is why you can't go with crappy images taken with your 10 year old mobile. You need images with professional quality because otherwise you will be doing your brand more harm than good. This doesn't necessarily mean you need to hire a professional photographer - with the right equipment and some skills you can create the images on your own. 

#Write Interesting and Meaningful Descriptions

 Photos are the bait but even the most unambiguous photo will benefit from a good description. Additionally, a good description will help your images rank better with search engines, which means more traffic for you. Be concise and precise in your descriptions and your users will certainly appreciate it. 


#Add a Pin-It Button to Your Site

If you want to get repins, you need to make it easier for users to do it. One way of doing it is by adding a Pin-It button to your site. Check what Pin-It buttons are available for your platform (i.e. WordPress, Joomla, etc.), pick one of them, put it on a visible place on your site and begin counting your pins/repins.

#Follow Users with Large Followers Groups

When you pick whom to follow, consider not only if their pins are interesting but also if they have a large group of followers. When you follow such users, and especially if they decide to follow you back, their huge follower base is an undisputed advantage when they decide to repin something you have posted. With such power users one repin can bring crowds to your board. 





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